Funny Revenge
This video is most funny revenge I ever seen. Check it out !
This video is most funny revenge I ever seen. Check it out !
Published by
4:07 AM
I think nobody expected to a gesture mobile ... anyway what application you can find for this kind of mobile ? Just games ? Anyway I like this copy of Wiimote :)
Published by
3:51 AM
I just found (looking through goolge old pages) a page with misspellings detected by google for "Britney Spears". Just read the entire list. Some of them are really funny:
488941 britney spears
40134 brittany spears
36315 brittney spears
24342 britany spears
7331 britny spears
6633 briteny spears
2696 britteny spears
1807 briney spears
1635 brittny spears
1479 brintey spears
1479 britanny spears
1338 britiny spears
1211 britnet spears
1096 britiney spears
991 britaney spears
991 britnay spears
811 brithney spears
811 brtiney spears
664 birtney spears
664 brintney spears
664 briteney spears
601 bitney spears
601 brinty spears
544 brittaney spears
544 brittnay spears
364 britey spears
364 brittiny spears
329 brtney spears
269 bretney spears
269 britneys spears
244 britne spears
244 brytney spears
220 breatney spears
220 britiany spears
199 britnney spears
163 britnry spears
147 breatny spears
147 brittiney spears
147 britty spears
147 brotney spears
147 brutney spears
133 britteney spears
133 briyney spears
121 bittany spears
121 bridney spears
121 britainy spears
121 britmey spears
109 brietney spears
109 brithny spears
109 britni spears
109 brittant spears
98 bittney spears
98 brithey spears
98 brittiany spears
98 btitney spears
89 brietny spears
89 brinety spears
89 brintny spears
89 britnie spears
89 brittey spears
89 brittnet spears
89 brity spears
89 ritney spears
80 bretny spears
80 britnany spears
73 brinteny spears
73 brittainy spears
73 pritney spears
66 brintany spears
66 britnery spears
59 briitney spears
59 britinay spears
54 britneay spears
54 britner spears
54 britney's spears
54 britnye spears
54 britt spears
54 brttany spears
48 bitany spears
48 briny spears
48 brirney spears
48 britant spears
48 britnety spears
48 brittanny spears
48 brttney spears
44 birttany spears
44 brittani spears
44 brityney spears
44 brtitney spears
39 brienty spears
39 brritney spears
36 bbritney spears
36 briitany spears
36 britanney spears
36 briterny spears
36 britneey spears
36 britnei spears
36 britniy spears
32 britbey spears
32 britneu spears
29 britent spears
29 brittnany spears
29 britttany spears
29 btiney spears
26 birttney spears
26 breitney spears
26 brinity spears
26 britenay spears
26 britneyt spears
26 brittan spears
26 brittne spears
26 btittany spears
24 beitney spears
24 birteny spears
24 brightney spears
24 brintiny spears
24 britanty spears
24 britenny spears
24 britini spears
24 britnwy spears
24 brittni spears
24 brittnie spears
21 biritney spears
21 birtany spears
21 biteny spears
21 bratney spears
21 britani spears
21 britanie spears
21 briteany spears
21 brittay spears
21 brittinay spears
21 brtany spears
21 brtiany spears
19 birney spears
19 brirtney spears
19 britnaey spears
19 britnee spears
19 britony spears
19 brittanty spears
19 britttney spears
17 birtny spears
17 brieny spears
17 brintty spears
17 brithy spears
17 brittanie spears
15 brinney spears
15 briten spears
15 briterney spears
15 britheny spears
15 britneny spears
15 brittamy spears
15 brittmey spears
15 brytnei spears
15 btirney spears
15 rittney spears
14 brinet spears
14 britneyy spears
14 britten spears
12 beritney spears
12 bretiny spears
12 briatny spears
12 brieney spears
12 brinany spears
12 britaany spears
12 britan spears
12 britine spears
12 britnea spears
12 britnes spears
12 britnez spears
12 britnny spears
12 brittenay spears
12 brittneys spears
12 brittony spears
12 brteny spears
12 btitany spears
12 btittney spears
12 btriney spears
12 btritney spears
12 rittany spears
11 braitney spears
11 brettney spears
11 britamy spears
11 britery spears
11 britnary spears
11 brittent spears
11 bruttney spears
11 pritny spears
10 bitaney spears
10 brenty spears
10 bristney spears
10 britay spears
10 britinny spears
10 brittaany spears
10 brittanys spears
10 brittini spears
10 brittniy spears
10 brtieny spears
10 brutany spears
9 bitteny spears
9 brinttany spears
9 britanay spears
9 britinany spears
9 britn spears
9 britnew spears
9 britneyn spears
9 britrney spears
9 brtiny spears
9 brtittney spears
9 brtny spears
9 brytny spears
9 rbitney spears
8 birtiny spears
8 bithney spears
8 brattany spears
8 breitny spears
8 breteny spears
8 brightny spears
8 brintay spears
8 brinttey spears
8 briotney spears
8 britanys spears
8 britley spears
8 britneyb spears
8 britnrey spears
8 britnty spears
8 brittner spears
8 brottany spears
7 baritney spears
7 birntey spears
7 biteney spears
7 bitiny spears
7 breateny spears
7 brianty spears
7 brintye spears
7 britianny spears
7 britly spears
7 britnej spears
7 britneyu spears
7 britniey spears
7 britnnay spears
7 brittian spears
7 briyny spears
7 brrittany spears
7 brttiney spears
7 btiteny spears
7 btrittany spears
6 beritny spears
6 bhritney spears
6 birthney spears
6 breathney spears
6 breaty spears
6 bretany spears
6 briatany spears
6 brint spears
6 britenney spears
6 britian spears
6 britinty spears
6 brititney spears
6 britnsy spears
6 britrey spears
6 britsny spears
6 brittine spears
6 brittnry spears
6 brittsny spears
6 brtanny spears
6 brtittany spears
6 bruttany spears
6 brytany spears
6 btitny spears
6 pretny spears
6 ritany spears
5 bbritany spears
5 bbrittney spears
5 biitney spears
5 bitny spears
5 breathny spears
5 breney spears
5 brethney spears
5 brettny spears
5 bridny spears
5 brigney spears
5 briittney spears
5 brinaty spears
5 brinay spears
5 brinetty spears
5 brinitty spears
5 brinny spears
5 brintery spears
5 britary spears
5 britbney spears
5 brithany spears
5 britieny spears
5 britiey spears
5 britnt spears
5 britnys spears
5 britrny spears
5 brittenny spears
5 brittnee spears
5 brittnt spears
5 brney spears
5 broitney spears
5 brotny spears
5 bruteny spears
5 btiyney spears
5 btrittney spears
5 gritney spears
5 spritney spears
4 bittny spears
4 bnritney spears
4 brandy spears
4 brbritney spears
4 breatiny spears
4 breetney spears
4 bretiney spears
4 brfitney spears
4 briattany spears
4 brieteny spears
4 briety spears
4 briitny spears
4 briittany spears
4 brinie spears
4 brinteney spears
4 brintne spears
4 britaby spears
4 britaey spears
4 britainey spears
4 britinie spears
4 britinney spears
4 britmney spears
4 britnear spears
4 britnel spears
4 britneuy spears
4 britnewy spears
4 britnmey spears
4 brittaby spears
4 brittery spears
4 britthey spears
4 brittnaey spears
4 brittnat spears
4 brittneny spears
4 brittnye spears
4 brittteny spears
4 briutney spears
4 briyeny spears
4 brnity spears
4 brtteny spears
4 brttiany spears
4 bryney spears
4 brythney spears
4 brytne spears
4 brytni spears
4 brytnie spears
4 bvritney spears
4 dritney spears
4 priteny spears
3 beittany spears
3 bichney spears
3 biritny spears
3 birnety spears
3 birny spears
3 birteney spears
3 birthny spears
3 birtiney spears
3 birtteny spears
3 birttny spears
3 bitanny spears
3 bitheay spears
3 bithey spears
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3 bretniy spears
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3 brighty spears
3 brihney spears
3 brihtney spears
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3 brinte spears
3 brintiney spears
3 brintneey spears
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3 brirtny spears
3 brisney spears
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3 britanyy spears
3 britatny spears
3 britdney spears
3 britemy spears
3 britenty spears
3 brither spears
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3 brititny spears
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3 britneeey spears
3 britnehy spears
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3 britnyey spears
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3 brtinay spears
3 brtinney spears
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3 brtiteny spears
3 brtnet spears
3 brytiny spears
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3 drittney spears
3 pretney spears
3 rbritney spears
2 barittany spears
2 bbbritney spears
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2 bbritny spears
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2 beitany spears
2 beitny spears
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2 britane spears
2 britaneny spears
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2 britanna spears
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2 brittneyu spears
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2 britttny spears
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2 brityne spears
2 briyany spears
2 brlttney spears
2 brotaney spears
2 brotany spears
2 brottney spears
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2 brrittney spears
2 brrtney spears
2 brthney spears
2 brtianny spears
2 brtineys spears
2 brtittny spears
2 brttiny spears
2 brtttany spears
2 brydney spears
2 brynty spears
2 brythey spears
2 bryttney spears
2 btiany spears
2 btirtney spears
2 btitiney spears
2 btittny spears
2 btritany spears
2 buttney spears
2 grittney spears
2 prietny spears
2 pritany spears
2 prittany spears
Published by
12:46 AM
Tags: britney, google, misspelling, spears
Some guys doesn't belive I opened 266 sites in firefox. Anyway I hope the next screenshot to be more plausible :)
(This post is related to this older post )
Published by
2:52 AM
Do you discover a new vulnerability on some software or in some OS ? From now you can sell your "discover" on an auction site special for IT vulnerabilities: . The prices are pretty big : 500 for a local linux exploit and 2000 for a Yahoo Messanger 8.1 (require some user interaction anyway) remote exploit.
The creators of this auction site are trying to motivate their ideea:
"The system introduced by 'ethical disclosure' has been historically abused by both vendors and security providers in order to exploit the work of security researchers for free"
"Nobody in the pharmaceutical industry is blackmailing researchers (or the companies that are financing the research) to force them to release the results for free under an ethical disclosure policy."
Published by
1:07 AM
Tags: auction, hacking, vulnerability
Kde 4.0 Alpha 2 was released yesterday 4 July 2007 ( Independence Day ). After a long waiting Kde is going fast to beta and soon (23 Octomber) it will be released. The most new visual feature is Plasma. Also another very interesting feature will be the support for Apple Dashboard Widgets. Anyway until now I didn't find any screnshot available from Kde 4.0 Alpha 2.
July 4, 2007 (The INTERNET). The KDE Community is happy to announce the immediate availability of the second alpha release of the K Desktop Environment. This release comes straight out of Glasgow, the largest city in Scotland where aKademy is currently taking place. Hundreds of KDE hackers are working like crazy to hunt down bugs, complete features for KDE 4.0 and sit together developing and finishing new and exciting applications for the new major version of the leading Free Desktop.
Published by
3:55 AM
Do you want to blow something ? Just go to "Explosive Camp" ! Yes is a camp where you can learn everything about blowing up things ... from dynamite to fireworks. The ticket for full session is 450$ and is between 06/03/2007 - 06/09/2007 and between 06/17/2007 - 06/23/2007 in Rolla, MO.
Is the first camp of this type !
What do you learn there:
Course Topics
* How to prime and shoot dynamite.
* Safety precautions when handling explosives.
* Where explosives are used.
* The curriculum and department of Mining Engineering at UMR.
* What careers are available that are explosive related.
* How underground blasts work.
* How explosives are used in industry.
* How to set up and shoot off a fireworks display.
* And much more!!
Like all OS from Apple the iPhone operating system is based on '*nix' so some smart guys retrived the encrypted password from a iPhone restore image and get all the "real" strings from it (with 'strings' linux program) and after that identified the accounts (accounts are preserved in clear text files) and extracted them. After that it was a piece a cake to run John the Ripper on the ecnrypted password to get out the real password. It's not such a big deal. Anyway I'm just curious about the use of this password. Probably when you will have the iPhone connected to internet is very possible to can be attacked.
Having the passwords will not do anybody any good for the moment. The iPhone has no console or terminal access, so there is no way to log in as either account. In fact, nobody even seems certain that the accounts access the machine at all, some Internet commentators suggesting that the password file was left over from early development work, or was intentionally included to throw hackers off the scent.
This post is the continuation of this article:)
I did it again : 100 sites in opera and I stopped ... because it was very hard to handle opera tabs. Just look at the attached picture
I was not impressed by opera ... I expect more but comported with firefox is exactly the same ... in time is starting loosing speed:)
I'm just curious if someone can open more than 100 tabs in this version of opera :).
The next will be IE7 !
SAP, the world’s largest maker of business software, acknowledged today that employees at an American subsidiary made “’inappropriate” downloads from the Web site of Oracle, a competitor, but denied using the information for commercial gain.
TomorrowNow, which had 157 employees and $15.7 million in sales last year, provides maintenance for business software systems sold by Oracle and by companies Oracle has acquired, including PeopleSoft, a maker of personnel management software, and Siebel Systems, a maker of customer relations software for sales forces.
“’SAP did not have access to Oracle materials downloaded by TomorrowNow,” “’However, some TomorrowNow activity went beyond what is appropriate and contravened our high standards and business procedures.”
Published by
9:05 AM
I just want to do a simple expermiment: how many sites I can open is firefox tabs ?
For me the answer was 266 and I have a dual core (3800) amd computer and XP operating system with 1 Gb of ram.
I'm very curious how many sites can open internet explorer 7 :)
Do you want proves ? Try yourself :)
Anyway after 266 sites firefox stop responding on tabs and I can broswe just the latest page (full of javascript and flash without problems) but I cannot switch the tabs :)
After this experminet Firefox is "eating" more than 1Gb of ram.
I cannot say more than "Hurray Firefox !!!!!!!!!!!!"
P.S. All sites are added manually (or open in new tab) and not generated :)
Published by
8:11 AM