Ubuntu Contributed Logos
I need to share this with you: NSFW Ubuntu logos.
I post 1 here only to know what to expect:
I need to share this with you: NSFW Ubuntu logos.
I post 1 here only to know what to expect:
Microsoft announce the prices for Windows 7 ... and surprise ... for preorder the prices are lower than the prices for Windows Vista.
The prices are from newegg.com
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit 1PK DSP OEI DVD English - OEM for $134.99
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 1PK DSP English Full - OEM for $99.9
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit 1PK DSP English Full - OEM for $109.99
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit 1PK DSP OEI DVD English - OEM for $174.99
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 32-bit 1PK DSP OEI DVD English - OEM for $134.99
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit 1PK DSP OEI DVD English - OEM for $174.99
Published by
5:56 AM
Spam is one of our major problem, but also the Internet is becoming more and more commercial. The main idea of the Internet meaning is starting to vanish and more and more companies are starting to be selective with what you should see and what not. The meaning of Internet it was to be an open platform where everyone can share through their websites and no one should censorship your ideas. Some restrictions should apply, but only in case of child pornography, spam and other terrible things. Starting censorship internet is like someone is denying your free spech right.
Humanity Lobotomy is a mini documentary showing us what to expect and what is wrong right now:
The creators for the documentary are the guys from http://www.indiegogo.com/Humanity-Lobotomy
Another good site what is talking about Net Neutrality is http://www.savetheinternet.com/. There you will find a spech with Barack Obama about Net Neutrality.
Have a nice day !
Published by
7:40 AM
Tags: internet, neutrality
The new six core Amd Opteron code name "Instanbul" was released.
* Six true cores
* HyperTransport™ Technology Assist (HT Assist)
* Increased HT3 bandwidth
* AMD-P power management technologies
* AMD Virtualization™ (AMD-V™) technology
* Same power/thermal ranges as Quad-Core AMD Opteron™ processors
Now is interesting to see when Intel will come with their new processor.
Published by
7:53 AM
I just found nice post about "Fuck in Linux Kernel".
My deepest and sincere apologies if this site offends someone - my intention is only to show you something funny from my point of view.
Also is a study with graphs and all stuff about fuck and love in kernel comments
Published by
4:33 AM
We already know about the deal between Rackable and SGI from 1 month ago: Rackable purchased SGI for 42.5 million. SGI was very close to a banckrupt and Rackable get SGI for a GOOD price. Now Rackable will use SGI name for their products: high-performance products for medium- and large-scale data centers and high-performance computing.
Read more here: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1001_3-10238571-92.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1001_3-0-5
Published by
11:22 AM
From today, 5 may 2009, Windows 7 Release Candidate , the new test stable version, will be free until June 2010. This version will be a full one without any limitation. You can get your copy from http://www.microsoft.com/windows7 and also you can get the serial for this version. One of the most expected features of windows 7 will the "XP mode" :) :) :). XP mode will help you to install XP application under Windows 7 (still a crap).
Hardware requirements:
CPU: 1Ghz
RAM: 1G/32bit 2G/64bit
HDD: 16G for 32bit vresion and 20Gb for 64 bit version.
GPU: Compatible DirectX 9 cu driver WDDM 1.0
Let's don't forget, this days Ubuntu 9.04 and Mandriva 2009.1 was released. :D
Published by
3:30 AM
The Apache Derby project announce a new GA feature release of Derby, Derby is a pure Java relational database engine which conforms to the ISO/ANSI SQL and
JDBC standards. Derby aims to be easy for developers and end-users to work with and not for enterprise applications.
Features of the new version:
SQL Roles - as described in SQL 2003 and errata
Generated Columns
Standard ALTER COLUMN syntax
LOB Improvements
Replication of encrypted databases
OFFSET/FETCH FIRST - SQL 2008 has added new syntax
In-Memory back end
Published by
10:09 AM
Linux Foundation started a contest for the best ad promoting Linux. Participants should do the ad in maximum 60 seconds and they need to promote I'm Linux. Was no requirement to mention Apple or Windows. And this ad was not for free. The winner get a free trip to tokyo to participate in the Linux Foundational Japan Linux Symposium.
Read more here: http://www.itwire.com/content/view/24408/1231/
Was 90 entries but the best 3 you can see them here:
This is just the third place ... but the finish is so funny
Do you know what is the difference between an apple and a window ?
Other 2 videos what should be mentioned:
Published by
11:04 AM
In last years it seams the Gnome have some "lack of vision" and is not impressioning the desktop Industry with anything in the last years. In the same time Kde is releasing version after version each of them with a lot of eye candy, performance, and translations.
Gnome has been choose d the default desktop management for Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian and soon they will release version 3.0 . It seems the new version 3.0 it will "revamping the user experience."
Just check this links for more informations for Gnome 3.0
Published by
1:28 PM
Last week Computerworld featured an twist gallery of the twenty five universal activate birth releases of the road year, including OpenOffice.org 3.1. The slide notes, "OpenOffice.org 3.1 adds a bunch of new features that make it ever-more-similar to (maybe even better than) You-Know-Who's office suite, from notes in the margin (that you can comment on) to better drag-and-drop for graphics objects. You can download the developer build and decide for yourself."
Dmitri Popov from Linux Magazine expectant readers that they did not have to be an expert to work out modern with OpenOffice's Basic programming interface. "This is for OpenOffice.org comes with its take Basic-based programming language," he said. Dmitri augmented that although OpenOffice Basic was not the most difficult programming language, it still required some time and effort, especially for non-programmers. In his article, Dmitri aimed at providing a few pointers and code snippets to readers, so that they could put OpenOffice Basic to some practical use without learning the language from scratch.
In a E-Commerce Times career suggesting expense rimy measures around the office, Dana Gardner and a panel of experts recommended the account of OpenOffice as they believed MS Office to be a "big oversize cow that right-hand to be sacrificed." They propagated the assistance of open source solutions like OpenOffice and StarOffice that would "go a long, long way toward saving money."
Read More here
Published by
3:01 PM
Tags: features, office, open, sun openoffice
This is was an mainframe class throughput, but now is happening with the HP ProLiant DL785,who can server 8 AMD Opteron processors. Fusion-io, using fio benchmark, achieved more thna 1,000,000 IOPS and that is happening on x86 class servers and not on a mainframe.
As an HP customer it means that you have platforms that can handle your most demanding enterprise applications. And you can be confident that the engineering know-how that helped reach this unprecedented level of performance in an 8P system also helps drive outstanding levels of performance in the ProLiant BladeSystems as well.
In this video, Craig Flaskerud, give us an overview about Sun Compute Cluster
Recorded at the SC08 conference in November, 2008.
Published by
2:07 PM
I think everybody remember about Microsoft suit over the FAT patent. TomTom (the GPS manufacturer ) was sued because they use FAT as filesystem for their external storages (SD cards etc). Now is time for payback ... TomTom sues Microsoft for infringement of four patents in Microsoft Streets and Trips. Until now the real question was: The Microsoft are targeting Linux through TomTom? I hope not, but probably TomTom and Microsoft will shake their hands together ... it's just business after all.
Is Microsoft Targeting Linux Through Tom Tom? Oh Please…
TomTom Sues Microsoft for Patent Infringement
Are a lot of rumors on internet right now and is possible to be the witness at one of the biggest deals in Computer industry: IBM will buy SUN. Sun started decline in is hardware department but is increasing every day in Open Source world. IBM can save SUN and can monetize what SUN builds.
Any transaction would strengthen IBM's position against rival H-P. It could be the largest acquisition in IBM's history, surpassing the acquisition of Cognos Inc. last year.
Published by
3:31 AM
Mysql is becoming stronger with the help of google (and oracle off course) :
And the google mysql improvements page :http://code.google.com/p/google-mysql-tools/wiki/Mysql5Patches
Another good resource is:
New in this version of innodb
* Enhanced scalability: the Google SMP enhancement for synchronization
* More efficient memory allocation: ability to use platform allocator tuned for multi-core systems
* Improved out-of-the-box scalability: unlimited concurrent thread execution by default
* Dynamic tuning: at run-time, enable or disable insert buffering and adaptive hash indexing
And all this in a STABLE INNODB Storage for Mysql.
And I almost forgot ... You can download the sources from here http://www.innodb.com/wp/2009/03/11/innodb-plugin-version-103-for-mysql-5130-32-33-released/innodb_plugin/download/v103/
Published by
4:24 PM
I think, everyone from Linux industry, knows about kexec (fast rebooting … actually not rebooting just switching kernels) or Pannus (live kernel patching, but right now the project is dead) and their use. The Linux community started very earlier to think at a method to switch or patch a live kernel ...
read more | digg story
Published by
9:39 AM
Yes, is working. Just look here ... is named ksplice and you can find there all the sources and documentation.
Now you will never reboot a production server just for a kernel security patch. All can be done online.
You can not change the entire kernel without rebooting ! The changes need to don't introduce any semantic changes to the data structure, but for almost all security patches is enough.
Right now supports just x86-32, x86-64, and ARM architectures and have been tested on Linux kernel versions ranging from 2.6.8 to 2.6.28-rc6.
Published by
5:50 AM
What is Recovery Act of 2009? Is a set of measures to increase energy efficiency in the U.S.A (but is better for every one to do that). I found a post from AMD blog: http://blogs.amd.com/work/2009/03/11/energy-efficiency-a-little-can-go-a-long-way/ about this problem. So the main idea is: get new pc's wit more energy efficient cpu's and graphics cards. The example found it on AMD blog post is a very good one: airports. Just read the post and you will understand the problem.
Anyway did you know ATI-Fire pro can be used with 4 monitors in the same time ?
Published by
4:30 PM
Look here: http://kerneltrap.org/node/5610
It started 3 years ago when someone post several reasons "Why Windows is better than Linux" ... after that they never stoped ... in flame :)
Anyway the reasons why the windows is better then linux are:
1. installing programs is easy ( is easy as apt-get install program )
2. Anytime you try to install or change something on your own computer you have to type a password. (this is why in linux are so few accidental security flaws)
3. Installing anything good in Linux requires an entire weekend ending up in learning how to reinvent the wheel. (hmmmm ... Yes is true ... linux is user friendly ... but is selective with his friends )
4. To truly use any Linux distribution your going to have to either take classes in how Linux works or spend time reading a lot of books and forums. (Is true if you use it as a enterprise server :) )
I can't stop to comment on his "stupid" arguments. Anyway I think someone from Linux community is made that just to start the flame :)
Published by
1:23 PM
Safari is the fastest Browser in the world according Zdnet: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9595_22-272792.html. They used SunSpider suite of JavaScript tests to determine which browser was the quickest.
In this moment the top is:
1) Safari 4
2) Mozilla Minefield 3.2a1
3) Google Chrome
4) Firefox 3
5) Opera 9.6
6) Internet Explorer 8
7) Internet Explorer 7
I think you already read about how to hack the road signs, if not just search http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=hack+road+sign&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&oq=
Anyway this is the best message ever:
Published by
12:09 AM
This time are not software bugs and real mosquito's bugs. That happened on a TED conference where Gates was talking about mosquito, malaria and the other problems in country's with poor medical assistance. Anyway the mosquito's was malaria-free and no other incident was reported.
At least this bugs was for a good cause.
A recorded session of the Bill Gates speach can be found here: http://www.ted.com/talks/bill_gates_unplugged.html
Published by
11:49 AM
Vmware come with another good news for Open Source community.
VMware has open sourced its View Client software which enables connections from Linux clients to remote Windows desktops managed by VMware View. VMware would like to see their partners developing the client for non-x86 devices using operating systems other than Windows XP or Linux.
Published by
1:37 AM
Tags: opensource, vmware
I just discovered a very interesting site ... or I can say sites ? In fact are 2 twin sites integrated each other: webmaster web tools and hostmaster web tools.
The tools what this sites provide are:
Backlink Checker
Lookup/reverse and ip/host
Spider View
IP Locator
Alexa Rank Checker
Your IP
Google DataCenter Query
HTML Validation
Sitemap Validation
Visual Traceroute
Link Popularity
Domain Dig
Meta Tag Extractor
XML Validation
Link Extractor
Html Encrypt
Website Speed Test
Source Viewer
The tools are not extraordinary but I was impressed by 2 tools:
1. Visual Traceroute
2. Your IP
Both based on Google maps are doing a very good job. Just check them out.
I recommend this site.
Published by
1:11 AM
Tags: hostmaster, tools, webmaster
Published by
12:45 AM
Tags: demotivational, motivational, posters
Brian Rakowski, Chrome's product manager, wants to release Chrome for Mac and Linux before the first half of 2009 is up. It seems both version (Mac and Linux) are in the same stage of development and soon we will have some beta's.
"That team now is able to render most Web pages pretty well. But in terms of the user experience, it's very basic,"
I just found a list with the most cheap mp3 players sale by amazon this week: Creative Zen 4 GB Portable Media Player (Black)
Price: ~64$ SanDisk Sansa Clip 4 GB MP3 Player (Silver)
Price: ~ 54$Zune 4 GB Digital Media Player (Black)
Price: ~80$ Archos 705 Wi-Fi Portable Media Player (160 GB)
Price: ~346$
Published by
4:34 AM