Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How to install and configure a Liferay cluster

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This article is the second part from a serie of 2 articles about glassfish and liferay. I hope you will find this articles very useful. First article is here.

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How to install and configure a Glassfish cluster

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In the last days I tried to install and configure a Glassfish and a Liferay cluster for a client. From what I see in Internet is a lot of "old" documentation for Glassfish / Liferay clustering and nothing related to latest versions of Glasfish / Liferay (glassfish v2ur2 and Liferay 5.1.1), and I know this documentation also will become old in some months :) . So I intend to write (as best as I can) a very simple documentation about how I manage this to work and what problems I found trying to do this.

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